Archive for April 2020
April 30th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
…almost everything! Starting 11 years ago and up to now. Many of the videos are not useful because they deal with special kits that were sold for a couple of months and then were discontinued. Why you can’t make (or buy) a 10% hyaluronic acid product see. Hannah mixing a cream using some Skin Actives ingredients (some useful info in there). A refresher on what mitochondria are (by Hannah). Hannah, again, on how to use the Skin Actives DIY kit for beginners. Another on how to use the DIY beginners kit but without Hannah and with a very noisy background and some typos. A fun mixing party. Something to look…
April 25th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
La oximetría de pulso se usa para medir el nivel de oxigenación de la sangre. Es una medida fácil, no invasiva e indolora de cuán bien se mueve el oxígeno desde los pulmones hasta las partes de tu cuerpo más alejadas de tu corazón, como los brazos y las piernas. Se coloca un dispositivo con forma de clip, la sonda, en un dedo o un lóbulo de la oreja. Hoy en día, el modesto oxímetro de pulso o pulsioxímetro (hoy cuesta alrededor de $ 60, $ 20 antes de la pandemia) se está convirtiendo en una estrella. Para una persona sana, la sonda debe arrojar una lectura de 95 o…
April 24th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Pulse oximetry is used to measure the oxygenation level of the blood. It is an easy, non-invasive and painless measure of how well oxygen is moved from your lungs to parts of your body furthest from your heart, like arms and legs. A clip-like device, the probe, is placed on a finger or ear lobe. Nowadays, the modest (about $60, used to be $20 before the pandemic) pulse oximeter is becoming a star. For a healthy person, the probe should read 95 or higher. Surprisingly, people who are sick with Covid-19 seem to have very low readings while seemingly doing still OK. What is going on? To understand you have…
April 23rd, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Nota: éste es un posteo antiguo que considero útil en el Día de la Tierra. ¡No tenés déjà vu! La receta del éxito: leé la lista de ingredientes de lo que sea que estés planeando usar. El problema es que a veces los fabricantes “olvidan” enumerar uno o dos ingredientes y con ello te obligan a leer entre líneas. Primero, dejame decirte que los herbicidas se basan en el mismo principio que los antibióticos: tienen que ser selectivos, es decir, matar al malo sin dañar al bueno. Para los antibióticos (y antimicóticos) el malo es el microbio y nosotros los humanos somos los buenos. Para los herbicidas, lo bueno es…
April 22nd, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Note: this is an old post that I thought would be useful on Earth Day. You are not having déjà vu! The recipe for success: read the ingredient list of whatever you are planning to use. The problem is that sometimes the manufacturers “forget” to list an ingredient or two and then you need to read between the lines. First, let me tell you that herbicides are based on the same principle as antibiotics: they have to be selective, i.e. kill the baddie without harming the goodie, For antibiotics (and antifungals) the baddie is the microbe, and we humans are the goodies. For herbicides, the goodie is your pretty garden…
April 20th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
En días como los que vivimos no podés creer todo lo que leés. O tal vez nunca tendrías que hacerlo. Con Internet como medio, nos bombardean con mensajes que nos dicen que todo lo que hacemos está mal (y, desde ya, que compremos aquel otro producto).¡Basta! La persona (o bot, para robot) te está diciendo eso solo porque has hecho “click”. No hay información real detrás de esos mensajes de pánico. Sea cual fuere la razón del mensaje, el resultado es una avalancha de información falsa. El objetivo de hoy es protector solar, ayer era el antitranspirante o la vaselina o los conservantes o, lo que es peor de todo,…
April 19th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
These days you can’t believe everything you read. Or maybe you never could. With the internet as a medium we are bombarded with messages telling us that whatever we are doing is wrong (and to buy that other product). Stop. The person (or bot, for robot) who is telling you that is only after your “click”. There is no real information behind the panicky message. Whatever the reason for the message, the result is a flood of misinformation. The target today is sunscreen, yesterday it was antiperspirant or petrolatum or preservatives or, worst of the worse, vaccines. Don’t trust them. But you can trust me. I read the scientific literature…
April 19th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Uno de los ingredientes más buscados en el cuidado de la piel está en tu heladera. Encontrarás ácido láctico en una concentración perfecta en el yogurt natural (para qué querrías el azúcar). El ácido láctico te proveerá una agradable y suave exfoliación ácida, tan solo aplicá el yogur en tu piel mientras te relajás. Si el ácido láctico es tan bueno, ¿por qué SAS no lo ofrece? Sí que lo hacemos, en un producto muy especial: exfoliante alfa / beta. Para una exfoliación más intensa que podés realizar cualquier momento, el exfoliante alfa / beta SAS hará su trabajo en menos de 10 minutos. Pero para un relajante “momento spa”,…
April 19th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
¿Ya están apareciendo tus raíces canosas y no podés ir a la peluquería? Ahora es el momento de reparar esa área que se ve un poco decaída. Un par de semanas es todo lo que necesitás para que tu cabello vuelva a crecer y se fortalezca. Hay muchas razones por las que podemos perder el cabello en un momento u otro. Puede darse solo en un área pequeña o ser un problema más generalizado, pero usualmente es reversible. La enfermedad, el estrés o la menopausia son las causas más comunes. Con frecuencia la quimioterapia provoca la caída del cabello. ¿Qué hacer? Usá este tiempo en que tenés que quedarte en…
April 18th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Your roots may be showing but you can’t get to the hair dresser? Now it’s the time to fix that area that is looking a bit forlorn. A couple of weeks is all you need to get hair regrowth and strengthening. There are so many reasons why we can lose hair at one time or another. It may be just a small area or a more generalized problem but it is usually reversible. Illness, stress or menopause are the most common causes. Chemotherapy will usually result in hair loss. What to do? Use this time when you have to stay at home to apply hair serum with keratinocyte growth factor…
April 18th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
One of the most wanted ingredients in skin care is in your fridge. You will find lactic acid at a perfect concentration in plain yogurt (you don’t want the sugar). Lactic acid will give you a nice, light acid peel, just leave it on your skin while you relax. If lactic acid is so good, why doesn’t SAS offer it? We do, in a very special product: alpha/beta exfoliant. Go to our great exfoliant any time, it will do its job in just under 10 minutes. But for a relaxing “spa time”, go for yogurt. Anything you can add to yogurt? Almost any active we sell in Skin Actives, like…
April 12th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Bienvenido, Impulso Esencial 2020 por Skin Actives! (Y lo que necesitas!) Aquí está: Essential 2020 Booster 4ml Ingredientes Fragancia (Aceite de hoja de Eucalyptus citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus) (y) Aceite de hoja de Rosmarinus officinalis (Romero) (y) Aceite de cáscara de Citrus limon (Limón) (y) Aceite de flor de Lavandula hybrida (Lavandin) (y) Aceite de tallo de Eugenia caryophyllata (Clavo de olor) (y) Aceite de hoja de Backhousia citriodora (Myrtle de limón) (y) Aceite de hoja de Origanum majorana (Orégano Mejorana) (y) Aceite de hoja de Origanum vulgare (Orégano) (y) Aceite de hoja de Cymbopogon martinii (Limoncillo) (y) Aceite de hoja de Salvia officinalis (Dalmation Sage), aceite de semilla de Punica…
April 11th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Here it is: Essential 2020 Booster 4ml Ingredients Fragrance (Eucalyptus citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus) Leaf Oil (and) Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil (and) Citrus limon (Lemon) Peel Oil (and) Lavandula hybrida (Lavandin) Flower Oil (and) Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) Stem Oil (and) Backhousia citriodora (Lemon Myrtle) Leaf Oil (and) Origanum majorana (Marjoram) Leaf Oil (and) Origanum vulgare (Oregano) Leaf Oil (and) Cymbopogon martinii (Lemongrass) Leaf Oil (and) Salvia officinalis (Dalmation Sage) Leaf Oil), Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Seed Oil, Tocotrienols, Tocopherols, Astaxanthin, Lycopene, Xanthophyll, Thioctic Acid, Beta-Carotene, Minthostachys Verticillata (Peperina) Extract. You can also read about these essential oils here Skin Actives Essential 2020 Booster is a blend of 13 essential oils that…
April 10th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Clasifiquemos al nuevo coronavirus como pandemia o no, el tema va en serio. No hay que quitarle importancia. En menos de dos meses se ha extendido por varios continentes, pero al virus le da igual cómo lo llamemos. Una pandemia implica una trasmisión sostenida, eficaz y continua de la enfermedad de forma simultánea en más de tres regiones geográficas distintas. Quizá ya estemos en esa fase, pero eso no es sinónimo de muerte, pues el término no hace referencia a la letalidad del patógeno sino a su transmisibilidad y extensión geográfica. Lo que sin duda sí hay es una pandemia de miedo. Por primera vez en la historia estamos viviendo…
April 10th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Ignacio López-Goñi Regardless of whether we classify the new coronavirus as a pandemic, it is a serious issue. In less than two months, it has spread over several continents. Pandemic means sustained and continuous transmission of the disease, simultaneously in more than three different geographical regions. Pandemic does not refer to the lethality of a virus but to its transmissibility and geographical extension. What we certainly have is a pandemic of fear. The entire planet’s media is gripped by coronavirus. It is right that there is deep concern and mass planning for worst-case scenarios. And, of course, the repercussions move from the global health sphere into business and politics. But…
April 9th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Por Margie Donlon PhD, psicóloga clínica de Nueva York. 1. Ceñite a una rutina. Acostate a dormir y levantate a una hora razonable, armá una agenda variada con horarios que incluyan tiempo para el trabajo y para el cuidado personal. 2. Vestite para la vida social que deseás, no para la vida social que tenés. Duchate y vestite con ropa cómoda, lavate la cara, cepillate los dientes. Tomate el tiempo para darte un baño o hacerte un tratamiento facial. Ponete algunos colores brillantes. Es sorprendente cómo la manera como nos vestimos puede afectar nuestro estado de ánimo. 3. Salí al menos una vez al día, durante por lo menos treinta…
April 6th, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
By Margie Donlon PhD, a clinical psychologist in New York. 1. Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care. 2. Dress for the social life you want, not the social life you have. Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth. Take the time to do a bath or a facial. Put on some bright colors. It is amazing how our dress can impact our mood. 3. Get out at least once a day, for at least thirty minutes. If you are concerned of…
April 2nd, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
“La madre naturaleza es solo química, biología y física. Eso es todo lo que es”. Rob Watson Eso es “todo” lo que es. Pero ver a la Madre Naturaleza como una entidad que podemos estudiar, investigar y comprender, no la hace menos bella que las imágenes que durante milenios la humanidad ha dibujado de una Gaia imaginaria. Prefiero “mi” Madre Naturaleza, poderosa pero conocible. En lugar de decepcionarte porque la Madre Naturaleza, o cualquiera de los demás nombres que las personas de todas las edades le han dado a la Madre Tierra (Gaia, Pachamama), no sea una diosa mágica que podamos complacer con cristales y velas, reconozcamos la belleza que…
April 2nd, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
“Mother Nature is just chemistry, biology and physics. That’s all she is.” Rob Watson That’s “all” she is. But looking at Mother Nature as an entity that we can study, research and understand, is by no means less beautiful that the images that humanity has drawn of an imaginary Gaia for millennia. I prefer “my” Mother Nature, powerful but knowable. Instead of being disappointed that Mother Nature (and all the other names people in all ages have given to Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamama) is not a magic goddess we can please with crystals and candles, let’s recognize the beauty involved in understanding and learning about “Mother Nature”. The crystal…
April 2nd, 2020 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
From the newspaper El Litoral from Santa Fe, Argentina, April 1, 2020 By Luciano Andreychuk “Basic science is very important in all areas of human life: it is key to solving problems of all kinds”. Dr Alberto Iglesias. Two local scientists explain why enzymes are the “Achilles’ heel” of the virus that causes Covid-19 Anyone who believes that the effective coronavirus vaccine and antiviral will appear miraculously, from one day to the next. is wrong. The production of vaccines and antiviral drugs for this pandemic will take a lot of effort and time from the world scientific community. However, basic research has already taken encouraging steps, which allow solid developments…