Archive for April 2019
April 30th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
The Climate-Friendly Vegetable You Ought to Eat By Melissa Clark April 30, 2019 PORTLAND, Me. — It was a sharp, windy March day, but the gray water of Casco Bay glimmered green in the sun. On his lobster boat, the Pull N’ Pray, Justin Papkee scanned the surface of the ocean, searching for his buoys. But he wasn’t looking for lobster traps. Mr. Papkee was farming, not fishing: His crop, clinging to ropes beneath the cold waves, was seaweed, thousands of pounds of brownish kelp undulating under the surface. Growing at a rate of 4 to 6 inches per day for the past six months, it was nearly ready to…
April 30th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
I confess, I am a older mother so I have vested interest in giving this advice. But I am writing this post because I received the following email today: “I’m 70+, will any of the creams really help my skin. I know at this age, the collagen and elastin have dissipated and it really shows on my face. It seems this year has been especially bad. Anyway, I am looking for something that will work. I would like an honest answer-too many say different things will provide some reduction of lines as well as a glow to the skin. All I am using today is avocado oil for a moisturizer…
April 29th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
En resumen: un suero para la piel a base de biofermento de algas marinas que incluye Skin Actives ROS BIONETTM y los mejores antioxidantes de bajo peso molecular. Ingredientes: agua, biofermento de algas marinas (Lactobacillus / Kelp Ferment Filtrate), sodio PCA, ascorbilfosfato de magnesio (vitamina C), hialuronato de sodio (ácido hialurónico), ácido ferúlico, extracto de hoja de aloe barbadensis (aloe vera), Epigalocatequina Gallato de te (Camellia Sinensis), Niacinamida, Carnosina, Hesperidina, Polipéptido 77 (glutaredoxina, GRX)), superóxido dismutasa, ácido cítrico, propilenglicol (y) diazolidinil urea (y) metilparabeno (y) propilparabeno. Activos por propiedad Antiinflamatorio: biofermento de algas marinas, polisacárido de porfiridio, Antioxidantes de bajo peso molecular: té verde EGCG, ácido hialurónico, hesperidina metil calcona, tetrahidrocurcuminoides,…
April 28th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
This is a unique product which temporarily will smooth up wrinkles. Strontium divalent ions in a distillate of orange flower petals (neroli floral water), will, within minutes of application, change the texture of photoaged skin, resulting in a more youthful complexion. The epidermal ridges are less pronounced, an effect that may be related to relaxation of erector muscles. It can also alleviate redness that occurs as a response to a hot environment. Ingredients: Citrus Aurantium (Neroli) Floral Water, Water, Strontium Chloride, Phenoxyethanol (and) Methylparaben (and) Isopropylparaben (and) Isobutylparaben (and) Butylparaben. Helps instantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles Reduces the appearance of redness Soothes and refreshes the skin There are many…
April 28th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Too much exfoliation is a bad idea for many reasons. People confuse “doing things to your skin” with “taking care of your skin”. Often doing nothing is better than doing too much. But, if you need exfoliation for a good reason (acne?) then, do it the right way. Not too much, and with good ingredients. In short: SAS alpha/beta has the benefits of alpha hydroxy acids (lactic acid) and salicylic acid (called in the industry beta hydroxy acid) together in a product that will exfoliate lightly and ensure that pores don’t get clogged. Antioxidants like tocotrienols and natural vitamin E will help the skin disarm reactive oxygen species (ROS*). Essential…
April 28th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
The best antioxidant cream anywhere! Why? And why do we need antioxidants anyway? Because living in the city can be stressful in more ways than just dealing with traffic: high concentrations of pollutants in the air will stress your skin too. Ingredient list: Seakelp (Lactobacillus/Kelp Ferment Filtrate) Bioferment, Cholesteryl Oleyl Carbonate (and) Cholesteryl Nonanoate (and) Cholesteryl Chloride (and) BHT, , Hydrolyzed Collagen, Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid), Ferulic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract, Beta Glucan (Oat), Beta Glucan (Yeast), Fucoidan, Galactoarabinan, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Pectin, Opuntia Ficus Indica (Prickly Pear) Extract, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Fruit Extract, Euterpe Oleracea (Acai) Fruit Extract, Vaccinium Myrtillus (Bilberry) Fruit Extract, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate)…
April 28th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Earth day quiz This was a mixed bag of questions related to Nature, how we are changing it, and how Nature is used in advertising. Please let me know if you have any questions. In short: not everything natural is good for you (nature is not there for your benefit!) and some people lie (they know that the word “nature” warms our hearts and loosens the hold on our wallets). And just one question (the first) to remind you that humans are so powerful as a species that they are modifying nature at a fast pace. In bold, the right answer The following are the concentrations of carbon dioxide in…
April 28th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
In short: A sea kelp bioferment-based serum that includes Skin Actives ROS BIONETTM plus the best low molecular weight antioxidants. Ingredients: Water, Sea Kelp (Lactobacillus/Kelp Ferment Filtrate) Bioferment, Sodium PCA, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (Vitamin C), Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid), Ferulic Acid, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Epigallocatechin Gallate, Niacinamide, Carnosine, Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone, Carnitine, Tetrahydrodiferuloylmethane (and) Tetrahydrodemethoxydiferuloylmethane (and) Tetrahydrobisdemethoxydiferuloylmethane, Sorghum Bicolor Leaf/Stem Extract, Lycopene, Astaxanthin, Fucoxanthin, Porphyridium Polysaccharide, Glutathione, sh-Polypeptide-2, sh-Polypeptide-77 (Glutaredoxin (GRX)), Superoxide Dismutase, Citric Acid, Propylene Glycol (and) Diazolidinyl Urea (and) Methylparaben (and) Propylparaben. Actives by property Anti-inflammatory: sea kelp bioferment, Porphyridium polysaccharide, Low molecular weight antioxidants: green tea EGCG, hyaluronic acid, hesperidin…
April 27th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Hay “tratamientos” para la piel que las mujeres toman porque quieren sentirse bien y mimadas. ¿Podríamos, por favor, volver a examinar esta idea para no dañar nuestra piel y nuestro cuerpo cuando nos mimamos? Estoy a favor de un buen masaje (no de los que te dejan doliendo) y de una máscara de yogur mientras tomás una siesta en tu sofá. Pero, ¿sabés lo que hace la sonicación a las células vivas? En un laboratorio bioquímico usamos la sonicación para romper las células. Las ondas sonoras rompen las membranas celulares (todas ellas). Usted no es una pieza de joyería inerte que necesite ser limpiada. ¿Sabías que la cáscara…
April 27th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
De on Hannah Sivak sHéroes: “Nunca elija ´inferiores´ como empleados” Con la autora Dra. Hannah Sivak Por Alexandra Spirer Como parte de mi serie sobre fuertes líderes femeninas, he tenido el placer de entrevistar a la Dra. Hannah Sivak, PhD fundadora de Skin Actives Scientific. Sivak completó su investigación doctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires (IIB), bajo la dirección del Dr. L.F. Leloir (Premio Nobel de Química 1970). El segundo libro de la Dra.Sivak, “La revolución científica en el cuidado de la piel” está disponible en ediciones en inglés y en español. Ha publicado más de 60 artículos a nivel internacional, que incluyen revistas y…
April 27th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
There are skin “treatments” that women take because they want to feel good and pampered. Could we please re-examine this idea so that we don’t damage our skin and bodies when we pamper ourselves? I am all for a good massage (not those that leave you hurting) and a yogurt mask while you take a nap on your couch. But, do you know what sonicating does to live cells? In a biochemical lab we use sonication to break cells. Sound waves break cell membranes (all of them). You are not an inert piece of jewelry that needs to be cleaned. Did you know that cascara sagrada (Frangula purshiana), a laxative,…
April 27th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
No to Pseudoscientific Diets! Yes to Less Stress About Food! By Judith Newman Join me, won’t you, in the diet book drinking game. Here’s how it works: Every time you read the following words, you down a shot of tequila. Ready? Yummy Veggies Detox Green smoothie Humanely raised Usually, by the time I’m on Page 10 I’m ready to take off all my clothes and lick the necks of strangers — and I don’t even live in Florida. So for your safety, and my own, I’ve mixed traditional diet books with some that are half memoir and half instruction, offering a sprinkle of inspiration. Let me take two Advil and…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
sHeroes: “Never choose ‘inferiors’ as employees” With Author Dr. Hannah Sivak By Alexandra Spirer As a part of my series about strong female leaders, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Hannah Sivak, PhD founder of Skin Actives Scientific. Sivak completed her doctorate research at the Institute for Biochemical Research in Buenos Aires (IIB), under the direction of Dr. L.F. Leloir (Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, 1970).Dr. Sivak’s second book, “The Scientific Revolution in Skin Care,” is available in both English and Spanish translated editions. She has published more than 60 papers internationally, including refereed journals and books on different aspects of biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology. She was a…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
A veces (consulte el sitio web de Skin Actives) puede haber dos productos con nombres similares, como antioxidante, uno de ellos una crema y el otro un suero. ¿Hay alguna razón para tener dos versiones? Sé que en la industria, la palabra suero se usa para transmitir la idea de que tiene una mayor concentración de algún ingrediente mágico. Esto no es necesariamente cierto. En mi caso, uso un suero cuando los ingredientes son solubles en agua O cuando son solubles en aceite. Y uso una crema cuando quiero incluir dos tipos de ingredientes, algunos solubles en agua y otros solubles en aceite. Una crema es una emulsión de aceite…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
1) No uses oxidantes como el peróxido de benzoilo: envejecen tu piel. 2) El acné es un problema inflamatorio: usá activos antiinflamatorios. 3) Fortalecé el sistema inmunológico para que pueda combatir las bacterias del acné. 4) ¡Utilizá activos que complementen las propias armas anti acné de la piel! Ejemplo: la granulisina. 5) Mantené los poros abiertos para que las bacterias del acné no puedan prosperar, pero hacelo sin eliminar la barrera cutánea. 6) No irrites tu piel con fragancias innecesarias e ingredientes alergénicos como el aceite del árbol de té. 7) No trates a tu piel como tratarías a una pared. ¡Tu piel está VIVA! Traducido por la Dra…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Nuestra piel envejece y dos son los tipos principales de factores que influyen en su envejecimiento: los intrínsecos, que tienen que ver con la manera en que funciona nuestro cuerpo (disminución de las hormonas, acortamiento de los teleómeros, acumulación de daño por los radicales libres que se forman durante la respiración, etc.) y los extrínsecos, que tienen que ver con la manera en que el ambiente afecta la piel. En la actualidad contamos con ingredientes activos que pueden ayudar con ambos lados de la ecuación. De los factores extrínsecos, la luz ultravioleta del sol (y las camas solares) son los más importantes. Cuando la luz UV llega a la piel…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
La nutrición puede afectar tu piel de tres maneras importantes:. 1) Una dieta estricta y/o la cirugía bariátrica. 2) El envejecimiento y la nutrición de la piel. 3) El efecto nutricional sobre el acné. Aquí no encontrarás nada parecido a “comé chocolate y ganate una espinilla”. No hay ninguna prueba científica de esto, así que ya lo sabés. Pero sí las hay sobre algunos efectos de la nutrición (o más bien, de la mala nutrición), que son bastante obvios. El consumo excesivo de alcohol dilata los vasos sanguíneos temporalmente, pero a la larga esos efectos se convierten en daños permanentes (y visibles): vasos sanguíneos visibles y piel manchada. Además, el…
April 26th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Sometimes (look at Skin Actives website) there may be two products with similar names, like antioxidant, with one a cream and the other a serum. Is there any reason to have two versions? I know that in the industry, the word serum is used to convey the idea that it has a higher concentration of the magic ingredient. This is not necessarily true. In my case, I use a serum when the ingredients are either water soluble OR oil soluble; and I use a cream when I want to include two types of ingredients, some soluble in water and others in oil. A cream is an emulsion of oil and…
April 25th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
1) Don’t use oxidants like benzoyl peroxide: they age your skin. 2) Acne is an inflammatory problem: use anti-inflammatory actives 3) Strengthen the immune system so it can fight the acne bacteria 4) Use actives that top-up the skin’s own anti-acne weapons! Example: granulysin 5) Keep pores open so the acne bacteria can’t prosper, but do it without removing the skin barrier 6) Don’t irritate your skin with unnecessary fragrances and allergenic ingredients like tea tree oil. 7) Don’t treat your skin as you would treat a wall. Your skin is ALIVE!
April 25th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Maybe neither good nor bad: it is there and we live in a world where blue light is part of the solar spectrum. And yes, there is enough energy in blue light and its intensity (outdoors) is high enough to contribute to both skin aging and carcinogenesis. But that’s life. There are molecules in our body that can absorb blue light and produce ROS* and the secondary effects that come with them. It does not matter, we still have to go out! But don’t let the merchants of LEDs “sell you” on the benefits of blue light to your skin. That’s silly (and they know it). Our bodies have evolved…