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A good New Year resolution: look after your hands and feet!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Anything you can do for your nails? Lots!
7 most under-used skincare ingredients
The seven most over-hyped skincare ingredients
Beauty from within? Obviously. But no need for supplements.
Milk of magnesia for your skin?
What is Daxxify (daxibotulinumtoxinA)? Will it erase your wrinkles?
So you want to start using a new skincare prdcut?
What is the right order in which to apply skincare products?
Can you “iron” wrinkles?
A strange effect of “vegetable collagen”: it increases my blood pressure.
Can you buy a “probiotic deodorant”?
What does it mean “cleared by the FDA”?
Seven signs that your skin is aging and what they mean (don’t panic!)
Understanding solvents in skin care
Skin Actives: ingredient synergy for skin health and beauty
The golden ratio?
Nose strips: how they work and how to use them to shrink pores, control acne and more.
Elucidating the “miracle” of royal jelly