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Three steps and 10 minutes to fall in love with your skin

Your skin may be hiding behind a cloud.

Here is how to remove the “cloud” and see your skin again. And love it and take care of it.

This is what you’ll need:

Glycolic alpha/beta exfoliant (5 minutes): a combination of alpha hydroxy acids and salicylic acid, the exfoliant will remove the most superficial layers of the epidermis exposing “fresh” skin that looks more luminous. Salicylic acid will also work at keeping the pores open, discouraging acne bacteria from prospering.

Collagen serum. This amazing combination of nutrients and signal protein will tell your skin to keep making the proteins and hyaluronic acid your skin needs to stay full and tight.

Every Lipid Serum (ELS): the other part of nutrition, the lipid side, with the essential fatty acids and more required to keep skin cells alive and happy.

Remember: you need more than removing the superficial layers of the skin to look fresh, you need to keep your skin young and functioning right by renewing itself and keeping its stem cells healthy and active.

Also remember that your skin is as good as everybody else’s, it’s just a matter of taking care of it so that it will last and stay healthy for as long as you live!

Live to 120!

Or, in Yiddish: ביז הונדערט און צוואַנציק

Happy New Year!



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