Posts Tagged ‘dry skin’
November 19th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
We may not like the oiliness that is natural to our skin as teenagers, but it has its advantages. Disadvantages? They are many. The minor one is the look of our oily skin. Shiny and not “glowing”, although it will reflect the light and be as glowing as it can be without Photoshop. Then, the sebum is great food for acne bacteria, and we all know how that goes. But think what your skin looks without sebum, or, rather, just wait until you are 40! As hormone production goes down, sebum will go down too and then dry skin and wrinkles come with it.If you are lucky, acne is long…
September 24th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Look at your face and hands and see what last Summer, the one that just ended, did to them. Ouch! Pigmentation is more irregular, plus there is a new scar or two and, how about those new wrinkles? First of all, as the Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy will tell you: Panic is the worst advisor when you have any problem, especially a health problem, panic makes you take bad decisions. My suggestions 1) NOT suitable for sensitive skin: A good start would be a super light “peel”: 15% Vitamin C serum or alpha/beta exfoliator, but not both. More is less, in this case. Follow the instructions carefully. Rinse the…
September 22nd, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
What do your hands need? The same that your face does, plus more! If you compare the skin of your hands with your face, you will notice that the hands are showing off your age even more. Why? They are exposed to UV just as your face is, plus they are exposed to even more stress if you wash them often or, because of your profession you use use disinfecting gels, or if you do the dishes again and again, or, like me, had a lifetime in the laboratory exposed to acids, liquid nitrogen and who knows what else. How does the stress show? Dry skin, mottled appearance, scars here…
August 11th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
DIY can be a hobby or a passion or just fun. I am for all of those. But please remember that we are talking about our skin, not a T-shirt that can be discarded if the tie-dye goes wrong. It will not save you much money but it will allow you to personalize your skin care products. I would like to start a new series of posts with DIY recipes that make sense: they will be inexpensive, will give you value for money and they will work. And, most important, they will benefit your skin and not hurt it! Let’s start with a Vitamin A companion cream. Why? Because there…
July 4th, 2019 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Note that most people use this term for “bumpy” skin, common in children and teenagers. Some types of keratosis pilaris (with longer names) are related to severe genetic problems. Keratosis pilaris is a (usually) temporary disorder of keratinization, The problem resides in the upper portion of the hair follicle, which fills with scales instead of exfoliating normally. In bumpy skin, actives that improve keratinization and skin renewal will help a lot. These include alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid (so called “beta hydroxy”), and vitamin A. Other actives that can help are those that will help keep the skin moisturized but will not “plug” pores. K.P. is normal, if we define…