Skin brightening vs. skin lightening ingredients

Skin whitening by any other name…. Let’s start from the beginning. There is no scientific definition for “skin brightening” or “skin lightening”; these are terms used by the cosmetic industry and, within the industry, their advertising department. Why? Because the “honest” term, bleaching products were limited (until 2020) by the FDA to over-the-counter (OTC) medicinal products using hydroquinone; since 2020, hydroquinone can only be obtained with a prescription. Why this limitation? Because hydroquinone, especially long term, can lead to skin troubles, like the development of ochronosis, a special type of hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, milia, and more. Please note:  I don’t think lighter skin is more beautiful than darker skin. We are … Continue reading Skin brightening vs. skin lightening ingredients