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5 things you can do with sea kelp coral

Sea kelp coral is a fantastic base because it is already full of great stuff. In short, you can’t go wrong!

  1. Use it as a mask, by itself, as a one-stop beauty treatment. If you feel like it, add other actives you can find in your kitchen.
  2. Examples: a spoonful of plain yogurt (full fat is better) for nutrition and a very mild alpha hydroxy acid exfoliation. Rinse well after your nap, otherwise, the mask will dry as a film that will stretch your skin.
  3.  Add some fresh pineapple or kiwi puree for exfoliation. Both kiwi and pineapple contain proteases, and your skin will feel fresh and smooth after you rinse the fruity mask. Papaya will do as well, and remember that if you are allergic to a food, it is likely that your skin will protest as well.
  4. Sea kelp coral will make a great hair conditioner, but you can also leave it on and use it as a styling gel.
  5. Add some sea kelp coral to an inexpensive body lotion so that it will provide some nutrition to your skin.

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