Archive for December 2024
December 29th, 2024 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
La oxidación en sí no tiene nada de malo. Vivimos de la respiración mitocondrial, es decir, de la oxidación optimizada para extraer energía utilizable de los alimentos. Cuando respiramos (oxidamos) los alimentos, obtenemos energía en forma de trifosfato de adenosina (ATP) y poder reductor en forma de nicotinamida adenina dinucleótido reducido (NADH), que utilizamos para construir casi todas las moléculas que necesitamos. La respiración es la forma en que los seres humanos mantenemos la vida.La oxidación desorganizada por las ROS* es algo totalmente distinto. Las ROS roban electrones y rompen enlaces químicos, modificando las macromoléculas para que dejen de cumplir su función. El estrés oxidativo, una acumulación de especies reactivas…
December 29th, 2024 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
El problema:Para proteger tu cuerpo, la piel debe soportar un bombardeo constante de especies reactivas del oxígeno, ROS*, procedentes del exterior (que llegan a la piel a través del medio ambiente) y generadas dentro de la propia piel, ya sea como respuesta a la radiación UV incidente o formadas cuando nuestras (asombrosas pero imperfectas) mitocondrias respiran.El sistema antioxidante de nuestras células es muy complejo, como muestra la siguiente figura. La incluyo en formato grande para que se pueda apreciar la complejidad del sistema. Se pueden ver los factores externos (UV, partículas urbanas, sustancias químicas nocivas) e internos (respiración imperfecta) que aportan ROS* y cómo dañan la célula y la piel.…
December 23rd, 2024 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Here we are, ready for 2025, renewed, nimble, and able to help formulators make the most scientifically advanced cosmetic products ever. Place your order at info at hannahsivak dot com and, in a few days, you will have in your hands bio-identical proteins that accelerate skin renewal, defend against reactive oxygen species, or accelerate healing. Add one or more to your almost-finished lotion, cream, or serum to elevate your craft to the next level. Look at our catalog of proteins here. In 2025, let your imagination create the best products ever! Happy New Year to all of you Hannah and Jonatan These are the Proteins in stock We supply proteins…
December 23rd, 2024 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
Oxidation and aging There is nothing wrong with oxidation per se. We live from mitochondrial respiration, i.e., oxidation optimized to extract usable energy from food. When we respire (oxidize) food, we get energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and reducing power in the form of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), which we use to build almost every molecule we need. Respiration is how we humans maintain life. Disorganized oxidation by ROS* is a whole different thing. ROS steal electrons and break chemical bonds, changing macromolecules so they can’t do their jobs anymore. Oxidative stress, an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), disrupts cellular homeostasis through chemical modification. It…
December 23rd, 2024 by Dr. Hannah Sivak
The problem: To protect your body, the skin has to withstand a constant bombardment by reactive oxygen species, ROS*, from the outside (delivered to the skin by the environment) and generated within the skin itself, either as a response to incident UV radiation or formed when our (amazing but imperfect) mitochondria respire. The antioxidant system in our own cells is very complex, as shown in the following figure. I am including it in a large size so that you can appreciate the complexity of the system. You can see the external (UV, urban particulate matter, noxious chemicals) and internal (imperfect respiration) factors that contribute ROS* and how they damage the…